miercuri, 19 octombrie 2011

Curs engleza incepatori - 1

shopping street - strada cu magazine
shopping - cumparaturi
shop - magazin
street strada
railway station - statie, gara
railway - cale ferata
station -  statie
church tower - turn de biserica
church - biserica
tower - turn
door - usa
train - tren
house - casa

Articolul hotarat the
              nehotatat a

the house - casa
a station - o statie
a door - o usa
the tower - turnul
the shop - magazinul
a train - un tren
a church - o biserica
the street - strada
a house - o casa
the treain - trenul
a shop - un magazin
the station - statia
a tower - un turn
the church - biserica
the door - usa
a street - o strada

Verbe la modul infinitiv
to see - a vedea
to visit - a vizita
to open - a deschide
to enter - a intra
ti see the train - a vedea trenul
to visit the station - a vizita statia
to enter the house - a intra in casa
to open the door - a deschide usa
to enter a shop - a intra intr-un magazin
to see the street - a vedea strada
to open the door - a deschide usa
to visit a tower - a vizita un turn
to enter a church - a intra intr-o biserica
to open the dor - a deschide usa
to see the tower - a vedea turnul
to visit the shop - a merge la magazin
to see a house  - a vedea o casa
to see a street - a vedea strada

Pronumele personale :

I - eu
you - tu
we - noi
you - voi
they - ei, ele

often - des
always - intodeauna
evreyday - in fiecare zi
evreymorning - in fiecare dimineata
seldom - rar

I often enter the church - Intru des in biserica.
They selfom visit the tower- Ei viziteaza rar turnul.
We always see the train. - Vedem intodeauna trenul.
You open the door every day. - Deschizi usa in fiecare zi

eu vad - I see
tu deschizi - You open
noi intram - we enter
ei, ele viziteaza - they visit
noi vizitam we visit
ei, ele intra - they enter
eu deschid - i open
tu vezi - you see

Noi intodeauna vedem turnul. - We always see the tower.
Eu intru in magazin in fiecare zi - I enter the shop evrey day.
Tu vezi statia in fiecare dimineata -You see the station evrey morning.
Viziteaza rar biserica. They seldom visit the church.
Eu deschid intodeauna usa. I always open the door.
Voi intrati des in casa. You often enter the house.
Ei vad strada in fiecare zi. They see the street evrey day.

We often enter the railwey station and I see the train - Noi intram des in gara si eu vrad trenul
You always open the door and I enter the house. - Tu deschizi intodeauna usa si eu intru in casa.

entrance - intrare
car - masina
bus - autobuz
woman - femeie
side -wolk - trotuar
building - cladire
the apartament - apartamentul
boy - baiat

the entrance - intrarea
the car - masina
the bus - autobuzul
the woman - femeia
a side-walk - un trotuar
a building - o cladire
an apartament - un apartament
a boy - un baiat

entrance - intare
car  - masina
bus - autobuz
woman - femeie
side-wolk - trotuar
building - claldire
apartament - apartament
boy - baiat

I see a car - Eu vad o masina
You often enter the building - Tu intri des in cladire.
They always visit the woman. - Ei intodeauna ii fac vizite femeii
I seldom see the bus. - Eu cad rar autobuzul
We see the boy everey day. -- Noi vedem baiatul in fiecare zi
You entr the apartament evrey morning- Tu intri in apartament in fiecare dimineta.
I see the side-wolk - Eu vad trotuarul.
They see the entrance Ei vad intrarea.

to wolk - a se plimba
to go - a merge
to have - a avea
to look - a se uita , a privi
to drive - a conduce
to go to - a merge la
to look at - a se uita, a privi la ceva
I often drive a car - Eu conduc des masina.
We always go to the house - Noi intodeauna mergem pana acasa.
They have an apartament - Ei au un apartament
You seldom look at the side-walk- Privesti rar trotuarul
I have a car - am o masina
We look at the building - Ne witam la cladire in fiecare zi

He - el
She - ea

he drives - el conduce
she walks - ea se  plimba

The woman often drivers a car .
She  looks at the building evrey morning - Ea priveste cladirea in fiecare dimineata.
He sees the car - El vede masina

he goes - el merge

he has - el are

she has - ea are

The woman often goes to a shop. - Femeia merge des la magazin
The street has a side-walk - Strada are trotuar
She goes to church evrey day - Ea merge la biserica in fiecare zi.
I seldom go to a bus station . Eu merg rar la statia de autobuz
He always looks at the apartament - El se uita intodeauna la apartament
The church has a tower - Biserica are un turn
The shop has a door - Magazinul are o usa
We see a boy and a woman - Vedem un baiat si o femeie
